You’re the folks with the cows. To us, that statement is so amusing.
Let me back up a bit and explain…….
While my husband is originally from northern Maine, we at one time lived in the midst of one of the most productive and lucrative beef cattle industries in the country. Unfortunately, because of such, the reality of owning a cattle operation in such an environment was far beyond our financial means. Still, we happened to learn a thing or two about the cattle business. We patiently (admittedly at times not so much) waited for our turn – for our chance to jump into the ring from the sidelines. Coming home (for my husband) ended up being the ticket we needed to enter that ring.
Northern Maine is not a mecca for beef cattle. Our slice of the country is most notably and historically associated with potato farming, but beef cattle farmers are nestled here and there and they are proud and hard-working people. We accept the challenges that come from raising beef cattle in an area that is not known for such, and we strive to introduce change, to implement innovative techniques and to stay up-to-date on the beef cattle industry. We strive to make northern Maine a place that is known for beef cattle.
For years, we were nestled in between lots of folks with lots of cows. Cows were as abundant where we lived as black flies are in spring in Maine. All we could do was dream. So, we dreamed and dreamed and dreamed.
We dreamed of some day someone saying to us: You’re the folks with the cows!

That day came a few months ago, at our local gas station. I proudly said yes, we are the folks with the cows. We find it incredibly amusing to be the only ones on our country road with cows. Amazing, actually, because we used to be the only ones without cows.

If only our old neighbors could see us now. I think they would be proud!

Our time has come, and we couldn’t be more ready.
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