Winter is well underway on the farm. We had an early start to snowy weather, with our first big snow storm in early November. Not uncommon in recent winters, though, to have winter start early. Just seems to be the way it is now. What has been unusual this winter is that we had two separate rain/thaw events in December. Temperatures spiked to the 40’s, which is extremely rare for December, and the rain POURED down and down and down. Quite a bit of snow melted off during these events, which was just fine by us! As a result, our snow-pack is bit behind pace this winter. But, Mother Nature is doing her best to catch up, and we got hit with a nice size snow-storm this past weekend. The fresh snow, coupled with the snow we already had accumulated, put me on fence wire lifting duty! This job is exactly what it sounds like – lifting the wires higher up on the fence lines. Luckily, I only have to do this along the fences in which the cattle have access to.
Keeping the wires above the snow level is pretty important for us in our winter hay bale sites. Unless we want the cattle getting into the wrong hay bale sites and throwing our whole system off-kilter, those wires gotta be lifted!
Here are some pics from a few of the fence lines.

Keep those wires lifted!

Happy Winter!
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